
The purpose of this website is act as a resource of scientific research & data on the ecological values of old growth forest ecosystems in British Columbia. The content of this website is based on a literature review by Jean Roach, Evelyn Hamilton and Suzanne Simard.

About the Authors

Jean Roach

Jean Roach is a Professional Forester with 35 years experience as a forestry research consultant in British Columbia More recently she has worked as a forestry research technician for the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Evelyn Hamilton
Evelyn Hamilton is an ecologist and research program manager who led work on forest ecology and classification, ecosystem dynamics, old growth, biodiversity conservation, non-timber forest resources, fire ecology, climate change adaptation, and carbon for the BC Forest Service and as a consultant during her 40 year career.
Dr. Suzanne Simard

Dr. Suzanne Simard is a Professor of Forest Ecology at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and author of Finding the Mother Tree. Her research focuses on the complexity and interconnectedness of nature and is guided by her deep connection to the land and her time spent amongst the trees.


Thanks to Sherry Kirkvold and Valerie Elliott for providing photos for this website. All banner photos on this website are courtesy of Sherry Kirkvold.

Website Design

Website design by Amy Allcock.